Case Study
Fast and Professional Transport Solutions for Complex Jobs

On a Friday in late November, Colpak was asked to move a Finlay Rock Crusher located in Western Queensland. With some unexpected rough weather rolling in, they company called Colpak back on the following Monday morning to say the removal and transport of the Rock Crusher was now urgent and needed to be picked up and transported to Brisbane the following day. The Rock Crusher in question was located in Rubyvale, over 900 km away from the Colpak depot in Brisbane.
Colin, the director of Colpak, strategized the best way to remove the Finlay Rock Crusher with minimal equipment and overhead to the company over the weekend. Through his research, he was able to make certain that the rock crusher could be moved without requiring a dolly.
According to Colin, “Everyone said I couldn’t, but I did the research and sums, and I knew that I could load the machine on my Quad-Axle Low-Loader. I am proactive in all that I do. I like to find the solution before anything becomes a problem. I needed to ensure I crossed all my T’s and dotted my I’s to make sure this job would be done right. Every piece of Colpak equipment was costume-built how I wanted them. My Quad-Axle Low-Loader was specially built, the lengths, ramps, everything, to do specific jobs. I knew this trailer was capable of doing this specific job.”
With a strategy in place and the Quad-Axle Low-Loader trailer available, Colpak immediately sent Bronson, an experienced driver, out to Rubyvale to get the Rock Crusher before bad weather hit.
Colpak’s Quad-Axle Low-Loader doesn’t have conventional ramps. Instead of folding up, they can lay flat on the back of the trailer giving extra provision for the load to overhang on the rear of the trailer. This extra space allowed Colpakto avoid theneed to use a low-loader dolly to hook to the front of the trailer. Instead of a dolly, Bronson could simply push the 32 tonne, 18 metres long Rock Crusher all the way to the front to squarely fit on the trailer. Bronson drove nearly 2000 km in two days and had the Rock Crusher at an auction house in Brisbane by Wednesday. Without needing to hire out a dolly, the cost of transport was at a reduced rate, thanks to the diversity of equipment and talented drivers available at Colpak
Our team is comprised of expert drivers, coupled with new and costume-built equipment, allowing Colpak to provide transport solutions unlike any other company in Queensland.
Call us or send us an enquiry for your next job today! Get it moved. Get it Colpak’d.